Saturday, May 03, 2014

Great News!

We received great news yesterday.  We can officially move to Florida at the beginning of July!  This is great news for many reasons.  It means we can finally have a home and be settled.  It means we can have somewhat of a normal schedule and some routine.  It means consistency for ourselves and our kids.  It means staying in one place for more than a week at a time.

Right now it feels like the most glorious thing we could have right now.  That might be a tad exaggerated.  But it's not too far off.  Either way, this is basically how we feel:

1 comment:

Halland House Gifts said...

That is incredible news, and I rejoice with you. I love how the freedom to move to Florida correlates with the end of your house sitting tour--so cool. God is still awesome. :-)