Thursday, July 16, 2009

Back on the support trail

Been on somewhat of a hiatus lately, so it's good to get back in the swing of things. We currently need about $900 in monthly support, so we're getting close! We've had a crazy week, and I'll post about it in the next few days. Getting back to MPD (ministry partner development) is always tough for me if I've neglected it for a few days. See, contrary to the majority of crusade staff, I am not a self-starter. It's difficult for me to create inertia, but once I get going it's relatively easy to keep the ball rolling. Thanks to God for the grace of today's inertia!

I spent this morning thus far reading through the entire gospel of Luke. When I study a book of the Bible, every week or so I like to read through the entire book to solidify the "big picture" of what the author is trying to convey. I think this is wise; often we can take small snippets (sp?) of what one small section of the Bible is trying to say and then form what turn out to be misguided and small conclusions. Yes, let's study each verse (For example I'm reading Darrell Bock's Commentary on Luke and I'm 200 pages in and we've just finished the first chapter), but let's not neglect the entirety of what Luke is trying to say. Each verse of each book falls into a broader picture of the books main themes. Thereafter, eve, each book falls into the broader picture of what the entire Bible is conveying. Context is key. So, I'll read through all of Luke one day each week while the other 6 days I'll really dig into the specifics.

Many other things running through my mind; those should give me blog-fodder for the next week or so. Stay tuned...

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