Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Clues for God - 2

The Second Evidence is this, what Keller calls "The cosmis welcome Mat" though again undoubtedly unoriginally.

"For organic life to exist, the fundamental regularities and constants of physics--the speed of light, the gravitational constant, the strength of the weak and strong nuclear forces--must all have values that together fall into an extremely narrow range. The probability of this perfect calibration happening by chance is so tiny as to be statistically negligable." (130, Keller)

Collins says:"When you look from the perspective of a scientist at the universe, it looks as if it knew it were coming. There are 15 constants--the gravitational constant, various constants about the strong and weak nuclear force, etc.--that have precise values. If any one of those constants was off be even one part in a million, or in some cases, by one part in a million million, the universe could not have actually come to the point where we see it. Matter would not have been able to coalesce, there would have been no galaxy, stars, planets or people."

Hawking says "The odds against a universe like ours emerging out of something like the Big Bang are enormous. I think there are clear religious implications. It would be very difficult to explain why the universe would have begun in just this way except as the act of a God who intended to create beings like us."

Does it mean is HAVE to be so? No, again, we're not dealing with proofs, but what is more plausible? The most common rebuttal of this Dawkins gives in his book. He says there may be trillions of universes. "Given the enormous number of universes existing over enormous amounst of time and space, it is inevitable that some of them are fine-tuned to sustain our kind of life. The one we are in is one, so here we are." (Keller, 130-131)

So, I say again this second clue may be avoidable, but it is still a great clue.

Alvin Plantiga gives this illustration. He imagines a man dealing himself twenty straight hands of four aces in the same game of poker. As his companions reach for their six-shooters the poker player says, 'I know it looks suspicious! But what if there is an infinite succession of universes, so that for any possible distribution of poker hands, there is one universe in which this possibility is realized? We just happen to find ourselves in one where I always deal myself four aces without cheating!" (131)

Now, this may, in fact, be true, but I for one am not comfortable with that explanation.

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