Monday, January 26, 2009

Noah's Dedication

Our little, or not so little anymore, Noah was dedicated yesterday at church. It was pretty cool. Our new pastor, his wife, and the kid's pastor all led the dedication. And our sweet friends Mike and Cori came up and prayed with us at the end. Then Pastor Shane gave a great sermon on being one with God. It definitely rocked.

Both of our parents came and some of our siblings. It was great to see everybody and we really appreciated them making the trip. We all had a simple lunch together afterwards and then were a little surprised by the 3+ inches of snow that had accumulated since 10:00 when church started. When we got home, I took this picture of Melissa and Noah with the flowers we received at church. The red rose symbolizes the father's bloodline. The white rose symbolizes the mother's purity. And the yellow rose symbolizes the new life of our child. And we wanted to get a picture of them before they die (but knowing my wife, she'll probably dry them and keep them for him - you know, boys love flowers, especially as their room decor!).

It was a good day. And we're reading the Bible to Noah. It's never too early to start, right? And oddly enough, last night we read him the story about Noah. He loved it.

1 comment:

Mere said...

I'm glad that everything went so well w/ Noah's dedication! The flowers have a beautiful meaning ... and your wife looks gorgeous and your little boy is simply adorable!!!